Daniel Rees
CEO / Co-Founder
Daniel Rees

DTC / Ecommerce Specialist

Former Founder/CEO of Ruroc and grew to $50m rev

Robbie Thompson
CTO / Co-Founder
Robbie Thompson

Senior Software Engineer

Former CTO of Ruroc

Dobbie's Founders: Dan + Robbie, successfully built Ruroc, a global DTC powerhouse, to $50m in annual revenue but like many high growth ecommerce businesses the revenue grew but the profits didn’t.

A graph showing gross revenue and profit from the Dobbie dashboard A graph showing gross revenue and profit from the Dobbie dashboard

The pair realized there are two problems in ecommerce...

Dobbie Logo #1 CAC

This will never be solved with software.

It can only be solved with a maniacal focus on innovating with your product, and building your customer engagement.

Dobbie Logo #2 OPEX

This will be solved by Dobbie.

Ecommerce was theorized to be a hyper profitable business model for retail

  1. No expensive high-street rent
  2. No shop floor staff
  3. No geographical addressable marketing ceiling

Get a cheap warehouse, build a website, sell worldwide.

  1. Expensive agencies, doing fractional work
  2. High-cost quasi-skilled staff with a single SaaS speciality
  3. Highly commoditised Alibaba products competing for eyes on social media driving up the costs of advertising

A rarely profitable business model

Ironically the focus of ecommerce businesses for the past few years has been “how do I improve my CAC”...”Where should I spend my marketing dollars “...The reality is that they’re searching for answer that intuition alone will give as much, if not more, clarity on as ‘cookies / server-side tracking / browser-fingerprinting’ platforms like Triple Whale and Fospha.

Enhance your product, enhance your brand, your CAC will come down - it’s truly that simple

The real unsolved problem in ecommerce that nobody has touched is OPEX...

And that’s where Dobbie comes in

Through a single, AI-powered, system Dobbie simplifies the running of your entire back-office finance, marketing and supply chain operations

Whether you're cashflow forecasting; creating ad campaigns; analyzing sales or social enagagement; demand planning; chasing suppliers; or simply bookkeeping and expense tracking... Dobbie now gives you a unified platform to operate everything in your tech stack through natural language, more efficiently, and at a fraction of the cost your previous setup.

An example of the types of prompts you can give to Dobbie An example of the types of prompts you can give to Dobbie

Ready to optimise your business with Dobbie?

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